What are Everlasting Roses?
Luxe Bouquet's Everlasting Roses are real Ecuadorian roses that have been preserved using non-toxic special oils to last for over one year - without any watering or maintenance! Everlasting roses are also known as Eternity Roses, Forever Roses, and Eternal Roses.
Backed by our One Year Money-Back Guarantee, they are guaranteed to stay beautiful and wilt-free for at least an entire year. Everlasting Roses can be kept indoors on your tabletop or mantle all year round as the perfect decoration piece. They will never die, droop, or lose their petals as regular fresh cut flowers do.
Are Everlasting Roses Real?
Yes! Luxe Bouquet's Everlasting Roses are natural, real roses from our Ecuadorian farms that have been specially treated with a non-toxic proprietary solution to maintain their appearance for over one year.
Our preserved Everlasting Flowers are non-carcinogenic, non-toxic, non-corrosive, non-flammable, and do not pose any risk to human health or the environment.
How long do Everlasting Roses last for?
Luxe Bouquet's Everlasting Roses last for one year or more with proper care. Our Everlasting Roses undergo a complex preservation process that takes many weeks to months to complete, passed down from generation to generation, using glycerin and a blend of other natural oils.
Our dedicated and experienced South-American farmers pick our roses when they are at the peak of their natural beauty, and immediately place them in vats of special preservation oils These roses are then slowly dried by hand and individually arranged with love by our trained artisans into the final product that you receive.
How do Everlasting Roses last a year?
Luxe Bouquet's Everlasting Roses are from luscious Ecuadorian flower farms, delicately cultivated before being gently hand-picked once they reach their perfect stage of bloom. The individual roses then undergo a preservation process to extend their life. The rose colours are subsequently removed using a non-toxic bleach before the roses undergo a rehydration process involving treatment with a non-toxic proprietary solution of special oils. The final step in the hydration process to preserve the roses is to then dip them in assorted dye colours to create the vibrant colours that you see at Luxe Bouquet.
This preservation process also applies to Eternity Roses, Eternal Roses and Forever Roses.
Everlasting Roses make the perfect gift for engagements, birthdays, anniversaries, and much more! They can be used in weddings (for decoration or centrepieces), corporate events (as giveaways to your clients), and many other special occasions that call for an elegant touch. Everlasting roses are the perfect gift for those who love flowers but don't want the hassle of changing vase water and throwing away old flowers after three days - now you'll never have to worry about caring for flowers again!
To purchase our beautiful Everlasting Roses today as well as learn more about them visit Luxe Bouquet.