From our iconic roses to captivating sunflowers and elegant peonies, Luxe Bouquet's Everlasting Flowers are guaranteed to stay looking beautiful for well over a year. For those in Port Douglas, they've become the trademark of grand occasions – be it birthdays, anniversaries, Valentine’s Day, or Mother’s Day.
Explore our hand-picked range of roses, sunflowers, peonies, hydrangeas, dahlias, and timeless dried flowers. Each Luxe Bouquet is a promise of an unforgettable memory.
Why Port Douglas Loves Luxe Bouquet:
Lasting Beauty: Our collection of Everlasting Flowers, are real flowers and roses that have been treated with our proprietary solution to ensure that they last for years, not days.
Sustainability in Bloom: Choosing Luxe Bouquet's Everlasting Flowers is making a nod to nature. They’re a sustainable twist to traditional fresh flowers, reducing waste and the need to constantly discard dead flowers.
Allergy Worry-Free: Our Everlasting Flowers are hypoallergenic and free of pollen, allowing everyone in Port Douglas to enjoy their beauty, carefree.
Reliable Delivery: Our studio might be in Sydney, but our flowers are everywhere. Every bouquet includes shipping protection to its destined address in Port Douglas. Remember, orders over $100 include complimentary delivery!
We are a Sydney-based florist and gift store, so please allow at least 2 to 5 business days for deliveries to Port Douglas. We offer Priority, Express, and Free delivery options.