Luxe Bouquet's Everlasting Rose Dome is Australia's favourite real rose in a glass dome that lasts for over one year. Inspired by a best-selling fairytale, these Everlasting Roses do not need any water or sunlight and are guaranteed to look beautiful for 365 days and more.

Luxe Bouquet's Everlasting Rose Dome is Australia's favourite real rose in a glass dome that lasts for over one year. Inspired by a best-selling fairytale, these Everlasting Roses do not need any water or sunlight and are guaranteed to remain beautiful for 365 days and more. Our flowers are cut on our South-American farms at the peak of their natural beauty and preserved using our proprietary blend of non-toxic oils. The glass can be lifted off and removed from the base of the dome or displayed as is with the glass on. 

Why spend thousands of dollars buying fresh flowers every week when you can have a Luxe Bouquet Everlasting Rose that lasts for years?

The perfect birthday gift, bridesmaid gift, anniversary, Valentine's Day gift, and home decor addition. Available in standard or mini sizes and in an ever-growing list of flower varieties, our Everlasting Flowers are sure to leave a big smile on anyone's face - all year round! The Everlasting Rose in glass dome can be shipped Australia-wide with free shipping and internationally from our Sydney warehouse. Afterpay, Zippay, Sezzle, Klarna and Humm available. 

Includes 1 x Everlasting Rose In Glass Dome


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