Step into the world of Luxe Bouquet where flower bouquets are more than just beautiful, they are a lasting memory. With us, you're not simply buying a bouquet, but an artful arrangement preserved to last for years, not just days. Say goodbye to high-maintenance flowers. Our blooms require no water or sunlight and will last for years, making them the perfect sustainable choice for your home decor or a thoughtful gift.

Why settle for less when you can enjoy the charm of roses, peonies, sunflowers, and more in a broad spectrum of colours? Every bouquet tells a story of love, appreciation, or celebration. We pride ourselves in curating bouquets that are not only exquisite but also hypoallergenic and sustainable.

We offer free delivery all over Australia, and have express and priority delivery options available for those in a rush! Not in Australia? Don't worry! We have international delivery options available too.

Discover our collection today and create lasting memories.




When it comes to expressing sentiments, flower bouquets have always been a timeless choice. But at Luxe Bouquet, we take this a step further. Our flower bouquets not only offer a means to express your feelings, but they also stand as a symbol of sustainability and long-lasting beauty. A traditional bouquet fades and withers, but our carefully preserved arrangements stay vibrant for years, encapsulating your precious moments in their enduring blooms.

Each of our bouquets is a carefully crafted piece of art. We offer a wide range of colours to choose from, allowing you to find the perfect fit for any occasion or décor. Every hue has its story, and every bouquet is a narrator that adds a unique charm to your surroundings.

Unlike regular fresh flowers, our preserved blooms are low-maintenance and require no water or sunlight. No more emptying dirty vase water and discarding dead flowers!

Allergy sufferers can also finally rejoice as our flowers are hypoallergenic. Now everyone can enjoy the beauty of nature without the usual drawbacks. Our mission is to make the joy of flowers accessible to all.

We are proud to offer free delivery within Australia, making it easier than ever to enjoy or share the beauty of our long-lasting bouquets. Are you located outside of Australia? We've got you covered with our range of international delivery options.

We believe in the beauty of sustainability. In a world where conscious choices matter, our bouquets are a step towards eco-friendly practices. By choosing Luxe Bouquet, you are opting for a product that not only looks beautiful but also reduces waste and promotes sustainability.

Embrace the magic of Luxe Bouquet and make your moments truly unforgettable with our lasting, beautiful, and sustainable flower bouquets. As we are a Sydney-based florist and gift store, delivery time will depend on your distance from Sydney. However we have Priority and Express delivery options available.


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